Summary for Week of February 17

“An exclusively technical civilization … is threatened … by the splitting of human beings into two classes—the social engineers and the inmates of closed social institutions.”
– Jürgen Habermas

How I Spent My Time

I was able to knock out two more scenarios this week—scenarios two and three. This means I only lack one more scenario.

A video walkthrough for scenario two is available here and a video walkthrough is available for scenario three is available here. The live prototype is available here.

If I am able to continue at my current clip, I might be able to start user testing this coming weekend.

What’s Working

Elbow grease. Also, being a little bit more quick and dirty with the prototype knowing that I will be making another pass after testing to clean it up.

What’s Not Working

Not applying elbow grease. Also, trying to get things just right.

Substantial Changes

Nothing to report.